Cultured Carrot Sticks

These cultured carrot sticks are a super easy ferment to get you started. You can make them in a small batch and they’ll be ready in a few days. My kids call these good buggy carrots and love them in their lunchboxes with hummus or cashew cheese.

Cultured Carrot Sticks

Makes a 240ml jar

Gluten free, dairy free, egg free, nut free


  • 1-2 carrots cut into stick shape (alternatively use small snack size carrots)

  • 1 1/2 tsp of salt

  • 3/4 cup water

  • a small wide mouth mason jar (approx 240ml)


  • Peel and chop your carrots into stick shape to fit inside your jar. Fill your jar tightly with carrots.

  • Dissolve salt in water then pour on top of carrots. Top up with extra water if needed to completely cover the carrots. To save time you can add the salt straight to the jar then add your water and shake.

  • Place the the lid on and give everything a good shake. Add a weight on top of the carrots to keep them under the liquid as they ferment.

  • Leave to ferment on the bench for 3-4 days or until bubbly and taste is to your liking. These will get tangier and less crunchier the longer you leave them to ferment.

  • Store in the fridge where they will keep for up to a month.


  • You can add some garlic or herbs to the brine to give these some more flavour.

  • It’s completely normal for the brine to go cloudy as these ferment.

  • Chop them up and use in salads or on their own as dippers.




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